Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fruits of Our Labor

If anyone is wondering "where is the fruit of our labor?" here is some:

1. Brenda-a prostitute God put in our path. When we found her beat to a pulp, we sent her home with Georgia from Revelation House. She is now no longer wanting to be on the streets, she goes to church & has a job cleaning apartments.

2. Shirley-was living under the overpass with no place to go when we befriended her. Now she has someone who is paying for her a place to stay until she gets her cancer surgery & then is paying for her rent until she recovers & can go to work.

3. Michael- has been to the breakfast for over a year, is now living under the overpass. We introduced him to Georgia & her husband Devin found him a job. He also has been given a house to live in & will be moving from the overpass to the house this Friday.

4. Robert-has been under the overpass for a few weeks. We brought him to church & he went to the altar. The following week he was back with a totally different countenance about him. When I dropped him off under the overpass after church a lady came & offered him a job as handyman at her hotel where he gets his own room.

I'm sure I am forgetting someone & I know there will be people we have reached out to that we will never know what kind of difference we made in their lives until we get to heaven.God is leading us & guiding our steps. Everyone we come in contact with is ordained by God. Our steps are ordered of the Lord-Prov. 20:24

I am so grateful that God allows me to serve with such an awesome team that has the heart of compassion for the homeless that God has. We do not fear what man can do to us because we are obedient to God. We know that these precious people sometimes just need someone to listen to them, give them a kind smile & hug, or treat them with respect because most people they come in contact with look down on them as scum of the earth. I think God is getting ready to do something so big we will shake our heads in amazement.

Love ya all,


Friday, December 4, 2009

Being Thankful

When ministering to the homeless, cold weather makes me start thinking. How in the world do they do this? When it’s so cold outside how do they stay warm? I almost feel guilty when I light my fireplace. No Place Outreach has been having a drive to collect coats & blankets. A co-worker of mine brought me some blankets, a coat & some thermal underwear on Wednesday. Another friend of mine has been telling her co-workers about this ministry and has collected needed items in the past. Yesterday (Wednesday) one of her co-workers came back from lunch with several sweat shirts, gloves, underwear, socks & blankets that she purchased. She called me and brought the items to me. Another friend of mine (amazing that I have more than one friend!) called me Tuesday night to let me know the business she works for was getting rid of several boxes of long-sleeve shirts, did I want them for the homeless. I said yes and picked them up Wednesday night too.

I love how God brings things together. God placed a burden on their heart. They wanted to help some homeless people to stay warm. Even though some of the people that gave didn’t know the breakfast is on Thursdays, God always knows where you are and what you need. Wednesday night my car was full of blankets, clothes & gloves to be given out Thursday morning!

Since I only had one coat I thought it should be given to the one who needed it the most. What if there were more than one that really needed a coat? Just so happens out of the 20 or so people we served at Roselawn, one man stood out. His coat was about 2 sizes too small for him and didn’t even go down to his waist. He was very thankful for his new coat!

Made it to the overpass where a group of people live in their own community. We passed out socks to everyone. You would have thought we were passing out $5 bills. Very appreciative. We had a few thick gloves and some that were thinner. I thought we had given all the gloves out when a man approached me asking for some. I told him I’d go check and I found one more pair of the thick gloves. When I gave them to him, his face lit up! He was expecting some of the thinner ones evidently because he couldn’t believe that he got such a nice pair of gloves. He was almost laughing as he repeatedly thanked me for the gloves. I quickly shared how we got the stuff from different people and how it all came together the night before. And how it shows how much God cares about him. He said to please tell the person that bought the gloves thank you! So to all of you who have ever donated items for the homeless, THANK YOU! I want to add my personal thanks to you too. It was so awesome & humbling for me to see the joy on this man's face, an incredible experience! It could not have been done without you! Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who contributes in any way to the homeless!

Matthew 25:35-40 ...for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

Bernie D.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Words From a First Time Volunteer

I have worked downtown for the last 15 years and have been running on the levee for the last 6-7 years. I started talking to Phil and Marlene (the king and queen of the homeless community downtown) and got to know them and others (Sandra) pretty well. I followed their ups and downs, what they feared, their good times and their way of life. It never failed to break my heart after talking to them. I tried to help, but, how do you help someone who has decided that living in an abandoned septic tank is what they want? I recently went thru a very trying and negative professional experience. Shortly after, I was down on the levee and went to visit with Phil and Marlene. They had heard about my problems and asked if I was ok. Can you imagine? I told them that I had my wife, kids, health and faith and that things could certainly be worse, I could be living on the river. I said it before I thought about who I was talking to, a very insensitive comment. Well, Marlene, said "What are you talking about Tommy, we aren't the ones who were in the newspaper?". In any event, they will tell you that they like their lifestyle, but, I think they really can’t if truth be told, but, have convinced themselves it is a hassle free life.

Marlene told me that the best thing that anyone does for them is the breakfast program from Healing Place Church. I had tried giving them jobs, food, coupons, clothes etc., but they really dig the breakfast. I mentioned the church to my friend Chad Dudley, who referred me to his friend Kiva who gave me Pastor Craig's info. I met Craig at coffee and he and I hit it off pretty quickly, I had just cut all my hair off and he being a former hairdresser seemed perplexed by that, plus he likes to fish. He told me to be there at 7 on Thursday.

I showed up at Roselawn at 7 last Thursday, the first person I met was Jerry who has a great sense of humor. Then I met Jordan, Julie and then Frank and then Pastor Craig showed up to join us. We fed between 40-50 folks there at Roselawn and I had the opportunity to talk to several of them. Interesting people, some nice, some gruff, but all very appreciative of a good breakfast and a kind word. After a short Bible study, we loaded up and I rode with Frank to do the "roaming". We fed folks at the levee, where Phil and Marlene were surprised to see me, Sandra near Govt. St. and approximately 25 folks under the new North Blvd. overpass.

The most heartbreaking experience of the day was seeing a lady who had obviously been severely beaten and who was probably being pimped out. Some folks in our group succeeded in getting her to come with us and hopefully she got better medical care. It is a very thin line between helping these people and actively getting involved in their situations. It also appears to be a very thin line between being homeless and having a job, house, kids, wife and picket fence. There but for the grace of God goes me.

See you Thursday.


Friday, November 13, 2009

November 12, 2009 - Awesome Outreach

Yesterday’s outreach was filled with many happenings. At Roselawn we fed the peeps, hung out and listened to their stories and loved on them. We found out that one of our regular ladies that had shown up without shoes and very odd clothing last week had been assaulted but insisted on coming to the breakfast anyway. What a privilege we had to have provided her with new clothes & shoes. We hadn’t known what she’d been through but she came to the outreach and we were able to show her Jesus.

We went roaming and were able to see most of our regular folks. At the overpass where the people had been told last week they’d have to leave. They were still there! They are up to around 20 people staying there, the number of homeless is growing. We found out that after they were featured on a local news cast they were being allowed to stay there until somewhere for them to go is found. Top that off by finding out the police actually brought them pizza!

We went to our last stop where we’ve been trying to help ladies who are prostitutes, we’ve seen several that have been beaten. That’s when our great God showed up in a big way. We had two special volunteers from Revelation House, Georgia and her daughter. While at this location one of the ladies Laura who Carole bonded with by complimenting her on her shoes helped another lady Brenda get out. Brenda was beaten severely, her eyes were so swollen she could hardly see, her jaw may be broken and she could barely stand. Georgia took her to stay with them. Please pray for Brenda that she heals physically, mentally and especially spiritually, pray that this is a turning point in her life. Also, keep Laura in your prayers, pray for her protection that she doesn’t get hurt for helping us.

It is amazing that when two or more are gathered in His name you never know what awesome things He will do. All the glory to God!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday Outreach

This Sunday we were blessed by a Married Life Connect group from HPC. They provided food at a Cooking for Christ meeting (very cool for the cooks to be cooked for). All the extra food was boxed up to do a “spur of the moment” homeless outreach.

We headed downtown and stopped under the overpass where Annie lives. We’re seeing more and more people, they have their own neighborhood going on there. It’s a diverse group of people, some have mental conditions that may be the reason they’re on the streets, some have drug/alcohol problems, some look like they just fell on hard times and are trying to climb their way out of the situation they’re in. There’s this one young girl, around 18, spending time around her, you can tell she’s not new to the street. What’s she doing out there??? .

We stopped to see Sandra. She’s been out here longer than I’ve been helping with the outreach. She’s had chances to get off the street, but always returns. She’s a loner. I worry about her safety and how she’ll keep warm when it’s cold out. We’ve already given her two coats and a couple of blankets this year. They get stolen, lost or dirty. When we visited her Sunday she had soiled herself, the evidence was on her and the sidewalk where she sits. She didn’t even seem to notice. How do you reach someone who would rather be on the street alone than in a shelter where she could be clean and warm?

At the levee, we ran into Phil and Marlene. She was so excited to tell us about her weekend. Saturday they were sitting around drinking and this guy showed up and offered them two tickets to the LSU game in exchange for a beer.

Her next words took a while to sink in, but when they did, wow. She told us the porta potties there were soooo nice they spent the night in them. It sounded like she was describing a night at the Marriott. Imagine her world, most of us would just about explode before using the porta potty and she thinks it’s a great place to spend the night. When they woke up the next morning, they were thirsty and their beer was gone so they checked out the DPW (took a minute to get that one, she was talking about the trash cans). She was ecstatic, they found a new book sack for Phil and a gallon of something to drink. They were still working on the gallon when we arrived.

Sometimes you have to look for the humor, because it’s so heartbreaking. A short time ago, she was sober, she almost died from drinking. After getting out of the hospital she said she was scared and was trying hard to stay sober. Phil was in jail at the time, so he was sober too. About a month later, he got out of jail and went right back to drinking. She only stayed sober a week or two more.

From there we headed to the house where J.D. & Billy are staying. We asked J.D. how Janet was doing he told us she was staying with her family and started going to AA (Praise God!). Janet was raped in an attack where she and three other homeless guys were severely beaten. J.D. is eaten up with rage/guilt (he was in jail and wasn’t there to protect her). She told him to go on with his life without her. Maybe, just maybe, through this awful event their lives can change and they’ll find the love of Jesus.

In the last several weeks, we’ve been stopping at a place where we’ve been unsure of the situation. There are women there that have been beaten and/or been in fights. They have at times appeared to be drunk or drugged. It looks like they are being prostituted. We aren’t sure if they are there of their own free will or not. One of the ladies has come to the breakfast at Roselawn and said she wants to go to the CafĂ© at the Dream Center, but we saw her being dropped off back there Sunday.

I know this is overload for a lot of people, and hard to grasp. It was and is sometimes for me too. What kind of world do we live in when there is so much hopelessness, lack of empathy, despair and evil?

For me, it’s a world where Jesus has called me to do the best I can to show his love to the lost, forgotten and hurting. If we only reach one after all our efforts, it will be worth it. It’s something that HPC really teaches, “it’s all for the one”.

Please pray for the people out there. Above all else, that’s something they can never have too much of.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

From the Heart of a Volunteer

I kept my granddaughters Friday & Saturday & we watched a Christmas movie called Timmy's Gift. In it God showed me something about those of us in the homeless ministry. It was about an angel named Timmy coming to earth to give baby Jesus his most loved possession.When Timmy fell from heaven he landed in a pig pen. The pig was surprised that Timmy wanted to have anything to do with him because he felt like "no one wanted to mingle with common swine". He said it made him feel like he was somebody!

Timmy took him to some water & cleaned both of them up. The pig said to Timmy, (my favorite part) "Nobody has ever taken the trouble to see who I was under the dirt. Imagine that!"God showed me that we, as the homeless ministry, care enough about homeless people to see through the dirt on & in people to help them find the person God created them to be & that they are special to God. This is why we have such a passion to help them. God put it in us when He created us & I'm praying that we don't let anyone or anything keep us from doing what God has called us to do.

I love ya all!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Valerie Vidal - An Awesome Volunteer's Thoughts

I am from Coast Community Church in Gulf Breeze, FL. I had the pleasure of working with some of God’s mighty warriors there from Healing Place Church.

My experience began on October 15 at 5:00 a.m. Yes, they start reeeally early there! We cooked enough breakfast for about 150 people. We hit the street… first stop… Baton Rouge Dream Center on Roselawn. What a blessing to see everyone just pitching in to do what we were all called to do! After that it was off to the levee and the streets, where we I experienced everything from a serenade to a quiet moment with one of many of the homeless there. On October 17, we were all at it again! Started at Roselawn with chili, boots and socks! The guys as well as gals were thrilled as well as touched to have a warm meal and new socks and shoes for their feet. We didn’t stop there, we continued on to the levee and the streets, where more lives were moved. It was an awesome God day!

Coming from someone who has never experienced working with the homeless, I must say that it was an eye opening experience as well as a heart wrenching… We have all been called to take care of the less fortunate and to spread the Good News while doing so… this has definitely put a fire in me that I can only hope and pray becomes so warm, that everyone in my community will want to get closer to feel the warmth.

I thank God for his timing on this and thank Him for these wonderful people who are doing exactly what God has instructed us to do.

Valerie Vidal
Outreach Coordinator
Coast Community Church
Gulf Breeze, FL

Monday, September 14, 2009

Under the Bridge

Billy, Janet, JD, Tecca, Hammer, Phil & Barbara

Thursday, September 10, 2009, spending some time with the homeless peeps that hang out downtown. We saw some familiar faces that hadn't been with us for a while. Phil was there and Janet too, Hammer was there after not seeing him last week.

We haven't seen Chris for a while now and Josh wasn't there either.

Each of these people have become like family and we worry, care and pray for them because they are family. Please pray for Marleen's sobriety, she's been sober for about 4 weeks now. Pray for Janet who recently was a victim of a horrible crime. Pray for Hammer, each week, he seems to sink a little lower as he spends his life on the street. Pray that Chris and Josh are safe.

Over the last several weeks there seems to be a growning number of folks that we are serving, we pray that all these peoples needs are met, that they see Jesus through this outreach and find the strength to reach out for help and take steps in the right direction.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thursday Aug 27, What a great day I had serving it up with you all in downtown BR. God's hand was all over it. If anyone lacks the desire to serve, just read our story "SERVOLUTION". This will get you pumped and motivated. The staff of HPC and it's volunteers are awesome. The blessing and opportunity afforded me this day has opened my eyes to a whole new world. A place where people must surely feel forgotten, marginalized, downtrodden.... While standing below the interstate bridge serving the homeless, the constant noise of the overhead traffic easily gives one the sense that life is passing by without a thought that this world exists underneath. I've crossed this bridge many times throughout my lifetime and never once did I consider the possibility, Lord forgive me! Addictions, mental illness, bad choices... Some have names, some are just faces, but all are somebody and are loved by God.

One particular guy, Josh, is trying to return to society after five years in prison. He was released two weeks ago and landed a job at a nearby fast-food place within the first week of getting out. The only acceptable pair of pants he can use for work were the ones he had on. He washes them every few days at a nearby fountain. The same fountain serves as his bathing facility. He did say that in prison he could at least practice good hygiene. After eating breakfast, he indicated that he had to walk several miles and start work by 10:00. A follow-up contact was made later in the day at his place of employment and some of his clothing needs were met. Because of his desire to be off the street, with a little help and encouragement, Josh will make it.

My prayer is that I'll allow God to use me whenever and wherever.

Yours in Christ, Bruce

Friday, August 28, 2009

Keeping the Faith... Seeing the Results...

Chris Andres of First Methodist Church said, "God bless you with the foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in the world."

I've been doing "Homeless Ministry" for over a year now and sometimes wonder if it makes a difference and then immediately remember how it blesses me.

Today, however, I feel God has been working overtime with answered prayers. Marlene has been sober for 3 weeks and has a room, Bobbie is going into rehab, Leslie is going to Rochester, NY in the next week and is a completely different person from last week, and Corena is in jail where she'll dry-out rather than die.

Thank you, Jesus and please continue your work in our dear friends.


Another Lesson From the Homeless

Yesterday we had the opportunity to witness the hearts of the homeless. While roaming down by the levee we met Josh. We were introduced to Josh by Larry one of the guys we know. After introducing us, Larry tells us how he met Josh.

A few days ago while he slept under an elevated walkway downtown he felt something being pushed under his head, it was a pillow. That was followed by being covered with a sheet. Larry's a little older and Josh took it upon himself to look out for Larry and be sure no one messed with him. In turn, Larry finds a way each day to be sure he can give Josh a dollar for bus fare to get to work.

Josh was incarcerated for 5 years. He's been out for a couple of weeks now and has found a job at a fast food restaurant. He's a clean cut young man in his upper 20's and is trying to get his life together. Every evening he washes his work pants in one of the fountains downtown. His goal is to save as fast as he can so that he can get into an apartment closer to his job. One of his biggest fears is that his job will find out he doesn't have a home and he'll lose his job before he can get into an apartment.

To hear Larry talk about Josh is like listening to any father talk about his son. You can hear the pride in his voice when he speaks about him.

Every time I am blessed with the opportunity to help with this outreach I learn something new. Yesterday I learned one more way someone becomes homeless. I also learned another lesson on love from the homeless.

Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD. Lev 19:32

Please keep our homeless friends in your prayers. We pray that the issues that keep them on the street are washed away by the blood of Jesus, that they are safe and ultimately that they know the love of Jesus and accept him as their Lord and Savior.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Meet Hammer

Frank, Hammer, Barbara & Sheila

Today we had the opportunity to spend some time with Hammer. He's a new friend we've had the pleasure of meeting and sharing breakfast with. We consider it our priviledge to share the love of Jesus with the homeless folks we meet. Today Hammer fed our souls as he shared his faith with us and showed his appreciation by singing for us.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Memories that stay bright...

I will never forget a cold rainy night in December. I had been getting nudges from FATHER to go out and serve the homeless for several weeks. I had decided several days earlier that this Thursday I would go. But now it was Wednesday night and it was cold and rainy. Who would possibly be out feeding the homeless on such a cold day? How could you even keep the food dry and warm? Surely this would be canceled on this inclement day. So I went to bed thinking, not tomorrow – at least not unless it quits raining – BRRR. I don’t even see a point in setting the alarm for 4AM.
Well the next morning at 4AM I was shook awake by FATHER. I found my eyes wide open - Suddenly fully conscious, but cozy in my warm dry bed. And I could hear the rain outside – and feel the cold through the walls. But the voice kept pushing me to get up. I got up complaining inwardly, and slowly got dressed – but knowing I must keep my promise to JESUS- and go out to the homeless breakfast.
I was not disappointed – when I arrived at HPC cooking shed – there were people there – lights on and breakfast was already in the pot being stirred – at 5:15AM. I immediately felt in step and was handed a spoon and asked to help stir. Meanwhile, GOD turned the rain into snow – and rewarded us with a beautiful white snow covered day I will always remember.
At “NO PLACE” there are many different ways you can serve – and many different time schedules each Thursday. Cooking and packing runs from 5AM to 6:30AM and includes lots of great fellowship with some very fine and happy people. From 7AM to around 8:30AM you can serve breakfast to the homeless at Roselawn Ave Dream center. You can also attend or participate in a Bible study segment from around 8am to 8:30am. Still another option is to “roam” with part of the group that takes food out to the levee and other parts of town finding and serving those who for whatever reason don’t come to the Roselawn breakfast. Some people find themselves filling plates and pouring coffee – others helping folks find a clean change of clothes in our “street shop”. Still others mingle with the crowd of homeless people – lending an ear, listening to their story. Many of these people have “no place” and “no one”. Most have no place and no spouse to come home to.

This past Thursday (8/13/09) I talked to several men – one from Kansas, another from Mississippi and of course several from Baton Rouge. They were so happy to get a solid meal – and I think just as happy to see that someone cared enough to cook, serve, and listen to their story. Although most of the day was good, I think the two things I remember most would be:
· Standing on the levee with a group of 20 or so people. A man who calls himself “Hammer” and who hails from Arkansas walked up to me and asked if he could sing and pray with us. We all joined hands and Hammer sang a brief and beautiful song about Jesus and then lifted up an inspiring prayer for all to hear. Hammer was so happy to be able to share his spirit with us – and when you see a man like this thank the LORD with all his heart for blessing him in so many ways it really melts your heart.
· Later that morning while roaming the streets we noticed a person huddled under an umbrella under the interstate. We stopped to feed several other men a block or so away. I took a bottle of cold water and a plate of grits down to the person who was alone a block or so away. When I offered the breakfast – there was surprise and maybe even a brief moment of fear? She at first rejected the breakfast – but apparently saw/heard something that moved her heart, because she began to smile, accepted the breakfast and a few words about Jesus. When I left, she was hungrily enjoying her hot grits and cold water. Her battery was recharged by such a simple jester.

Psalm 34:10 “Even strong lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.”

I think some of us sometimes get “needs and wants” mixed up. I think seeing the homeless and downtrodden enjoy even the simplest of meals helps us keep things in the right perspective. It can inspire us to be thankful for what we have and more and more anxious to share with the world.

David V.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Words from those we serve..

This past Thursday, I had the opportunity to speak with one of the guys we serve, Brian W. He was kind enough to share his story.

One of the first things you notice about Brian is his faith in God. He was raised by his grandmother in Plaquemine, LA (who he says also raised many others). She made sure he grew up in church and learned the Bible. He says he found God at 13.

When he was a young man he strayed away from God. He quit listening to his grandmother and his family. He dropped out of high school and got involved with the wrong people and wrong things.

In 1989 he went to Job Corp in Arkansas where he got his GED. He returned to Baton Rouge but was still doing his own thing. He got into using and selling drugs. He lost the trust of his family. Although he tried rehab several times at other peoples suggestion, it always failed.

That was until 17 months ago when he checked himself into a 30 day rehab program in Morgan City, LA. It was at that time he was ready to admit that he had a problem. Brian realized rehab wouldn’t work if others wanted him to go, only if he took that first step for himself. I asked him what made it different, what made him want to go? He said he was reading his Bible one day and the wind blew the pages to the book of Matthew. He was drawn to the scripture and what he read convicted him. He was ready to take steps to get help for himself. In rehab he prayed and reconnected with God.

Although he has been clean for 17 months, Brian says that each day is a struggle. I ask that we all pray for him so he will have the strength to continue winning the battle against his addiction.

For Brian, one of the best things about being clean is having the love and respect back from his family and friends. He says they no longer worry about leaving their things out around him, they know their stuff will be safe.

I asked him how he found out about the No Place Outreach. He said one day he was on the bus and this lady got on with a plate of breakfast. He asked her where she got it and she told him about the outreach. He hopped off the bus right there at the UPT (where we used to serve) and had breakfast with us. That was over 1 ½ years ago. When I asked Brian to share what the No Place Outreach means to him, he only had one word to say, “Love.”.

He says he has been places before where he could feel the presence of evil, but when he’s at the outreach he knows he feels the presence of God.

He attends a local church on Gardere where he also attends Bible study. He enjoys reading the Bible and connects with David & Joseph, he says he relates to them and can put himself in their place where they struggled.

Each week there is a Bible study at Roselawn during the Thursday morning outreach. Mr. Parnell, who facilitates that part of the outreach, has asked Brian to take part in sharing the Bible.

Brian told me his grandmother before she passed away told him he would be a preacher. He had a doubtful look on his face as he said it. Who knows, maybe grandmother knew more than he gave her credit for.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Joe Cool & the Team

I was talking to a friend the other day about being ‘cool’. Of course we all know that I am cool, ya know I’m down wit dat! Well, whatever. I decided to look the word up in the dictionary. Found the following slang definitions: great, fine, excellent; characterized by great facility, highly skilled or clever; socially adept. We came to the conclusion that anything cool about me & my friend comes from the ultimate Joe Cool himself, Jesus! Which brings me to the point of this blog today: I am blessed to be a part of one of the coolest ministries ever!

I help cook breakfast as often as possible. Mr. Randall always has coffee made for us when we get there @ 5 a.m. We bake 4 big trays of biscuits, cook a gazillion eggs, make gallons of Tang and a gumbo pot full of special recipe grits that will make you slap yo mama. After it’s cooked it gets put in to-go containers and loaded on the truck. Let’s not forget about washing the dishes and packing the boxes with jelly, sugar, cream, plates, forks, etc. Lot’s to do and an awesome group of people that work as a team to get it all done.

There’s a core group there every week and then others who come when they can. When I do show up, I’m always amazed at how happy everyone is. Come on, can you really be happy getting up at 4 in the morning (or earlier) to cook for people you don’t even know? These people can because they know the poor matter to God. They know that they are not just stirring grits or making tang, they are touching the heart of a hungry man, woman and child.

It really hits home for me when I do get the humbling opportunity to meet the people we cook for. Most that I’ve met have a good attitude despite their living conditions and are truly thankful not only for the food, but for the friends they have made. They see people who serve them every week. Not just a ‘one-time to make my conscious feel better’ kinda thing, but an on-going relationship where people go extra miles to help them.

From the people that cook, clean, serve or roam, No Place Outreach is one part of God’s team that is truly reaching the world one person at a time. I really do feel privileged to be a part of this great, fine, excellent, characterized by great facility, highly skilled, clever, and socially adept, all because of Jesus, outreach!

Thanks Jesus!
miss bernie

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Learning to Serve

So one day you carve time out of your “busy” schedule to help cook breakfast for the homeless in Baton Rouge. It’s a pretty easy thing to do, doesn’t disrupt your schedule, you can still make it to work on time. It’s nice to be able to help the less fortunate you think and a good opportunity to fellowship with other Christians.

Then there’s the day you have the opportunity to go and help serve the food you’ve been cooking. And you’re never the same again….

You see, until you meet these people you don’t understand. These are God’s children just like you and I. “Homeless” can be a very general term until you really understand…. These are people from all walks of life, each one has his or her own story and each one has a face and a name. They all have a mother and a father, some are mothers and fathers, and they are sisters, brothers, husbands and wives.

Some struggle with addictions that are so dark they don’t think there’s any hope for them. Some struggle from mental illness. Some are on the streets from a variety of bad choices or a set of unfortunate circumstances. Some came for work that didn’t pan out and they are left with no way to get home.

You start to wonder, why them and not me? And you know it’s only the grace of God that separates you.

Then there are the little things you never thought about before meeting them. Why do they need socks, underwear and clothes each week? Duh, there’s no washer & dryer on the streets.

So now you’re the one with the addiction, but it’s a God given addiction to help the homeless. You pray that he gives you the opportunity to serve each week and the resources to help out financially. You pray for words of wisdom to share with these people, that it’s Jesus’ words not yours that they hear.

You pray for Janet, Marlene, Peter, Victor, Chris, Jo Bob, Sandra, JD, William, Richard, Rufus, Mr. Charles, Adolf, Annie, Billy, Scott, Mr. Alvin and all the others that you meet. You pray that the bus ticket, glasses, shoes, jackets, blankets, ride to the detox clinic and medical care that these people receive show the love of Christ.

You pray for the volunteers that they have the strength they need to keep giving when sometimes it seems hopeless, you pray that they are blessed & protected by God.

Proverbs 21:13 says:

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.

I am so glad God opened my ears, eyes and heart to these people.

It is so humbling to have the chance to serve for his kingdom. I hope those I have the privilege to serve see Jesus through me.

Julie B.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Grand Weaver

From the jumbled mind of Chris L.:

Okay so last Thursday after an amazing breakfast down at Roselawn when I was heading home and exiting at Siegen Lane, there was a homeless man with a sign that read: Homeless, Hungry, and Broke. I felt as though I should buy him breakfast, and as he was walking towards my car for me to tell him to meet me at McDonalds someone else called to him and gave him money. The light turned green and I just started driving thinking "Oh well, maybe next time", then out of nowhere I felt a prompting that could only be from God and I suddenly felt that this man needed this breakfast he was in danger. I turned around and told him to meet me for breakfast.

So halfway through the breakfast I asked if he went to church anywhere. He said "No but some guy and two kids gave me their card and some pizza and said they could help me. He then pulls out a red Dreamcenter card. Turns out it was Nathan, Eric, and Derrick. He then tells me he is a raging alchoholic, he was hit by a car last week, and then told by the nurse that he was very close to serosis of the liver. At this point it was obvious this was the Lord aligning our paths. So after calling detox places, and realizing there is nowhere for this man to go I was told to try a local hospital. There he was admitted, I gave him my number, and we parted ways. Later I get a call from him saying they couldnt do a medical detox there. I missed the call, and knowing that he would eventually try to get back to Siegen Lane, I drove out looking for him. I told myself I would drive to Tom Drive and back, if I didnt see him I would try the next day. So of course, he just happens to be standing at the intersection at Tom drive.

So I contacted Vince and we were told to just bring him to a detox place because they dont turn down people. So we picked this guy (Timothy) up today and brought him down there thinking they would not turn us away if we just showed up. So we called the place a couple minutes before we got there and they said we dont have any beds available. So since we were already down there we decided to try and talk to them anyway. When we get there she said we can help but we have no beds available right now, but I'll call back there anyway. By the Great and Mighty hand of God a bed had opened up in the minutes that we had been there. So by the Grace of God Timothy is in detox right now, hopefully the first step to a new life. He has me and Vince's numbers, and we have his consent to call there and get updates on him throughout the detox. We plan to stay in touch with him and continue to be there for him in whatever he needs. Throughtout this five day period when we would talk he would tell me that he would pray for a break from God, and then we show up. God will set up our paths with people in ways that can only be explained by Him. I thank God that he allowed us to be a part of someones answered prayer. I pray that I am always Spirit led and obedient, because when I am I get to be a part of the great power and wonder that is the God we serve. Also through this we were able to help and minister to another man who had lost his daughter recently and was hitchiking back to New Mexico. So everyone be in prayer for him (Brian).

Chris L.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Serving it up for Jesus at the Roselawn Dream Center. Volunteer peeps hanging with those we serve.